"And with words unspoken, A silent devotion. I know you know what I mean and the end is unknown. But I think I’m ready as long as you’re with me." [Angels]
"Fiction when we're not together. Mistaken for a vision, something of my own creation. And it's certainly how am I to tell?" [Fiction]
Στίχοι από το album: The XX - Coexist
Stills από την ταινία: Heavenly Creatures (1994) του Peter Jackson
Τι είναι η #blogovision: 175 Made Up Their Minds For The Best Albums Of 2012
Stills από την ταινία: Heavenly Creatures (1994) του Peter Jackson
Τι είναι η #blogovision: 175 Made Up Their Minds For The Best Albums Of 2012
20. Miike Snow's Happy To You (meets the Dreamers)
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