Σάββατο 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

#blogovision 06. How To Dress Well's Total Loss (meets The Fall)

"Cold nites and harder days. Bed to lie down, lay away. Have a heart facing foreign places. Tired of seeing love, tired of waiting." [Cold Nites]

"I will shine on this stage. I will save my goodbye. For the day that I expire." [Set It Right]

"And you were hoping for the days when you could say safely, "I have my place, I have my home, I have my future". But we never really plan for the worst of things do we? There's an ocean floor for everything: for me, the sun, and he, gone." [Ocean Floor for Everything]

Στίχοι από το album: How To Dress Well - Total Loss
Stills από την ταινία: The Fall (2006) του Tarsem Singh.
Τι είναι η #blogovision: 175 Made Up Their Minds For The Best Albums Of 2012

20. Miike Snow's Happy To You (meets the Dreamers)

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